Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bullying. No Way.

Reading the broadsheet is part of my morning ritual. It does not only give you the current news, which usually is not too good. It also gives you knowledge on general information which are mostly very helpful. I actually have gathered quite a number of newspaper clippings from different paper publications I have read in the past. Articles that are interesting, useful and worth sharing catch my attention.

Just a few days ago, I chanced upon Yoly Villanueva-Ong's Citizen Y article on the Philippine Star and I can't help but share it here. Parents, we need to read this over and over. I know you can't cut this out, but feel free to share.

Proven tips on how to handle school bullies from the Anti-bullying experts:
1. Don't give the bully a chance. Avoid him as much as you can.
2. Stand tall and be brave. Even when you're not feeling your bravest , send the message: "Don't mess with me."
3. Feel good about yourself. Try to look and feel your best
4. Get a buddy (and be a buddy). Two is better than one.
5. Ignore the bully. Pretend you don't hear them and walk away quickly to a place of safety. They enjoy reaction to their teasing and meanness.
6. Stand up for yourself. Tell the bully "No! Stop it!" in a loud voice. If you obey them, they will likely keep bullying you.
7. Don't bully back. Fighting back just satisfies them and it's dangerous.
8. Don't show your feelings. Plan ahead. Stop yourself from getting angry or upset.
9. Tell an authority. Get objective arbitration.

After all, nobody wants these kind of scenes.

Till next...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Letter from my Seven Year Old on Mother's Day

One thing i like most about having my own blog site is that I could say anything and everything I want. This is especially true when it comes to talking about my one and only son Luis. I mean, in public, I usually keep my mouth shut. I guess that's my way of showing respect for other parents. Besides, doesn't genuine modesty a characteristic of someone who is secure of who they are and what they have?

But i understand that somehow, one should have an outlet. I found 'my escape' when I blog. Here, I could brag endlessly. And since today is Mother's Day, let me brag about my 7 year-old's sweetness :D

This morning, I got this letter from him.

Isn't that soooo sweet?! One of my happiest moments - such motherhood delight indeed. (Now I understand why he locked himself up inside the room yesterday for hours, I could only hear the giggles) :D

Till the next bragging! .....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

His 1st 7 Years

It's not all serious business nor study, study, and study for my 7 year-old kid. He also do work and play. And he definitely knows how to have a good time and be paid for it. Let me brag about the most awesome highlight of my son's first 7 years.

For some leap of faith, Luis became a product model for Dermaline (skincare for kids) and a Dermablend kid at 5. [Probably owing to his fair, smooth and flawless skin like mom's - allow me :-)] He started earning on his own at a very young age, with DOLE clearance of course. [It sure pays to have a DOLE Usec for a lolo :)]. This huge opportunity gave him invaluable experiences; photoshoots, dance lessons, modelling stints, mall shows, and of course, the Edsa billboard! This display of advertisement, together with the other Dermablend kids, alongside highways was seen particularly in Aurora Boulevard corner Cubao. It was proudly in place for 4 long months.

I could just imagine thousands of commuters each day, looking up at and to him, literally and figuratively, makes me so happy and proud. Recognizing that it's not a dime a dozen to have one's own billboard in Edsa. It's such a big deal it gave me a proud mommy moment beyond words. [Like a fulfillment of my biggest childhood dream, to have a billboard of my own. But eventually, out of frustration, I just needed to snap out of it. :-)] No less than a few dozen have acknowledged my son's achievement at a young age. It's definitely a rite of passage marking the brightest shining moment of his first 7 years.