There are occasions calling for an all black work outfit ensemble. But just the same, there are times a touch of red is the call for the day...
Wearing red is a fantastic way to visually celebrate love and life. So if you're in love with life, then go for red. For me, that goes for the 12 months of the year.
A single touch of red in an all black ensemble is enough to give you the self-confidence that you need. Too much of it though will put you on the spot and at the center of attention. Now that is either good or bad. So take your pick.
Here's a personal secret: I go for red when I want to look and appear intimidating. =)
blazer, ring and shoes from Forever 21; skirt from Promod; necklace from H&M Dubai; black tights from Marks & Spencer; necklace made into bracelet gifted |
Wear red, stand high and feel confident. After all, you are the woman in red. So smile! =)